Execute BT-SPAS-X in WinBUGs
a list containing the following elements:
Nmr number of unique mark-recapture experiments performed across tributaries, years and weeks
Ntribs number of tributaries to use for the pCap component of the model
Nstrata number of weeks with catch data
Uwc_ind number of weeks in catch data with associated pCap and flow data
Nwomr number of weeks in catch data without associated pCap and flow data
Nstrata_wc number of weeks in catch data with catch data (RST fished)
indices_site_pCap tributary index (of all possible tributaries) to use to predict efficiency for missing strata. Note length=0 if selected tributary is not part of trib set that has mark-recap data. In this case model that samples from trib hyper will be called.
ind_trib indices (1:Ntribs) assigned to the mark-recapture experiment table for use in BUGs
ind_pCap indices of weeks in mark-recapture table for U strata being estimated
Uind_woMR indices of weeks in catch data without associated pCap and flow data
Uind_wMR indices of weeks in catch data with associated pCap and flow data
Uwc_ind indices of weeks in catch data with catch data
Releases number of fish released for each mark-recapture experiment
Recaptures number of fish recaptured for each mark-recapture experiment
u weekly abundance
mr_flow standardized flow, averaged over recapture days (< 1 week)
catch_flow standardized flow, averaged by week
K number of columns in the bspline basis matrix
ZP The b_spline_matrix (bspline basis matrix. One row for each data point (1:Nstrata), and one column for each term in the cubic polynomial function (4) + number of knots)
lgN_max maxmimum possible value for log N across strata
a list containing initial values for the following parameters:
trib_mu.P mean of hyper-distribution for site-effect
b0_pCap site effect on trap efficiency for each site
flow_mu.P mean of hyper-distribution for flow effect
b_flow flow effect on trap efficiency for each site
trib_tau.P used to estimate standard deviation of hyper-distribution for site effect
flow_tau.P used to estimate standard deviation of hyper-distribution for flow effect
pro_tau.P used to estimate standard deviation of zero-centered normal distribution for unexplained error
b_sp basis function of each spline node
lg_N predicted weekly abundance
a list of parameters to be estimated in the model:
trib_mu.P mean of hyper-distribution for site-effect
trib_sd.P standard deviation of hyper-distribution for site effect
flow_mu.P mean of hyper-distribution for flow effect
flow_sd.P standard deviation of hyper-distribution for flow effect
pro_sd.P standard deviation of zero-centered normal distribution for unexplained error
b0_pCap site effect on trap efficiency for each site
b_flow flow effect on trap efficiency for each site
pCap_U weekly trap efficiency (capture probability)
N weekly juvenile abundance
Ntot total juvenile abundance for the year
sd.N standard deviation controlling flexibility of spline weekly abundance curve
sd.Ne standard deviation controlling extent of non-spline variation in weekly abundance
model to be called based on number of efficiency trials available for the selected site. Either
all_mark_recap.bug all weeks with catch have corresponding efficiency trials
missing_mark_recap.bug some weeks with catch have corresponding efficiency trials
no_mark_recap_no_trib.bug the selected site has no efficiency data at all
no_mark_recap.bug no weeks with catch have corresponding efficiency trials
a filepath indicating where to find the WinBUGS14/
file. This needs
to be in a character format ending with /WinBUGS14
a list containing number_mcmc
, number_burnin
, number_thin
and number_chains
if running on a Mac operating system, returns a list of all inputs formatted
to pass to bugs
. If running on a PC or another operating system capable of running WinBUGS,
returns a nested list containing the following elements:
model_results the BUGs
object from fitting the model
model_called the model called on the data
data_inputs the data passed to the model
init_inputs the initial values passed to the model
This function is called within run_single_bt_spas_x()
and calls the WinBUGS code