Dataset containing summarized efficiency monitoring data for all SR JPE tribuatary and mainstem monitoring programs



  • date_released: Date that efficiency trial release occurs (format - %Y-%m-%d)

  • release_id: The unique identifier for each release trial

  • stream: Which stream the RST is located on

  • site: Site name

  • subsite: Name of trap

  • site_group: Site group, used to seperate traps within the same stream that have unique environmental conditions.

  • number_released: Count of fish released

  • number_recaptured: Count of fish recaptured in RST on a specific recapture date, when NA trap is not fished

  • run: Run of fish released

  • life_stage: Lifestage of fish released

  • origin: Fish origin (natural, hatchery, mixed, unknown, not recorded, or NA)


Raw datasets and original documentation of data processing and QC process can be found for each stream using the links below. Data is combined here