There are multiple covariates used in SR JPE modeling that were developed through separate but related processes. There are currently two documents describing covariate selction and processing for different models: (1) Stock Recruit Covariates (this document) and (2) Adult Model Covariates.

The goal of this document is to process covariates for use in SR JPE stock recruitment modeling.

Selecting Stock Recruit Environmental Covariates

FlowWest conducted initial literature review and planning to outline covariates that are expected to be important based on past research. This work can be found here. FlowWest reviewed covariates with the SR JPE Modeling Advisory Team to generate the following environmental covariates table to test within the SR model.

Table 1. Summary of covariates to include in stock recruit modeling based on preliminary literature review.

Covariate Type Structure Rationale
Temperature Mean or median degree days Influence growth rates of juvenile and affect survival
Temperature Day of year when 7DADM drops below or above 13 C Production will be low if there are high water temperatures during the adult holding and spawning periods
Temperature Mean or median maximum weekly stream temperature Temperatures above optimal or above a threshold negatively affect fertilization rates and embryo survival
Temperature Emergence date Emergence date is correlated with temperature and will influence growth rates and survival
Temperature Degree days (20 threshold) upstream passage to spawning Temperature negatively affects adults as they migrate upstream to spawn
Hatchery Proportion of hatchery on spawning grounds Hatchery progeny are less fit
Disaster Affected by fire? (0/1) Wildfire may have impacts on water quality; after a certain period of time or flow these effects may dissipate. Wildfire may also have negative impacts on habitat in terms of temperature.
Water year type Categorical water year type System level impact on number of juveniles
Streamflow Mean precipitation Rainfall affects juvenile growth by influencing foraging efficiency or habitat connectivity
Streamflow Maximum monthly precipitation High rainfall negatively affects egg survival through streambed scour or sedimentation
Fecundity Adult length Important for fecundity
Thiamine deficiency NA NA
Habitat Off channel habitat NA
Habitat Restoration (0/1) NA

Preparing Covariates

This document focuses on preparing flow and temperature covariates for use in stock recruit modeling and exploratory analysis.


Temperature has been found to influence spawning and rearing. Therefore it is expected to affect the translation from stock to recruit. Temperature can be included in multiple different formats which target different lifestages including:

  • Number of degree days
  • Day of year when 7DADM is above 13 C
  • Maximum weekly stream temperature
  • In development: Emergence date (calculated from temperature and spawning date)

Number of degree days

Degree days is defined here as the sum of the daily mean temperatures between August and December (spawning time period) by year and stream.

Note that for streams with multiple locations the max daily mean was selected. Clear Creek 2020 value is low which may be due to a few missing data points in December. This approach is vulnerable to missing data.

Figure 1. Annual sum of daily mean temperatures during spawning and incubation time period (Aug - Dec)

Day of year when 7DADM drops above/below 13 C

This covariate is defined as the day of the year and week when the 7DADM is above 13C

  • Data are not filtered to the spawning time period (Aug-Dec) as this threshold is typically met before August
  • Below 13C is not included as this does not make sense in terms of impact on salmon. Temperatures are rarely below 13C during the spawning time period and if they are, unlikely to be significantly cold enough to have an impact
  • Note, we currently do not have max daily temperatures for the Sacramento so mainstem is not included. There are a few datapoints based on the plot below that are worth further investigation.

Plot of week where threshold is met (above 13 C) for all years and streams

Figure 2. Plot of week where threshold is met (above or below 13) for all years and streams

Max temperature

This covariate is defined as the summarized annual weekly max temperature.

  • Summarizes the weekly maximum temperature for each stream (meaning it finds the max across all sites/subsites) across years within the spawning period. Note that the Sacramento River temperature data does not currently include a daily maximum so the weekly max is the max of the daily mean.
  • Summarize the weekly max for each stream and year by finding the mean, median, and max.

Figure 3. Plot of mean, median, max of the maximum weekly temperature

Emergence date

In development

Emergence data encompasses the effect of temperature and is expected to affect growth and survival of juveniles. Modeled following Kaylor et al. 2022. Daily Ei values are summed from the spawn date, and emergence is assumed to occur on the first day where Ei exceeds 1.

Ei = 1 / exp [loge a - loge(Ti - b)]

logea = 6.872 b = -0.332 Ti = mean daily temperature Ei = daily contribution to development (ranging from 0 to 1)

Constants derived from Beacham and Murray (1990)


Precipitation and streamflow have been found to influence spawning and rearing. Therefore it is expected to affect the translation from stock to recruit. Streamflow can be included in multiple different formats including:

  • Mean, median, max precipitation (or streamflow)

Mean, median, max flow

These covariates summarize daily max flows as annual mean/median/max/min within the spawning and rearing time period.

Figure 4. Plot of annual summarized (mean, median, max, min) max flows during the spawning and incubation time period (Aug - Dec)

Figure 5. Plot of annual summarized (mean, median, max, min) max flows during the rearing time period (Nov - July)

Combine and Save Covariate Data

All covariate datasets are combined into one table and saved as an export from the SRJPEdata package. This data can be accessed using SRJPEdata::stock_recruit_covariates and can be joined to the SRJPEdata::site_lookup table in order to fill in covariates for each site and year.

The first 10 rows of SRJPEdata::stock_recruit_covariates are shown below.

year stream gage_agency gage_number site_group lifestage covariate_type stream_site covariate_structure value
1999 deer creek CDEC DCV deer creek spawning and incubation temperature deer creek deer creek gdd_spawn 2081.75842
1999 deer creek CDEC DCV deer creek spawning and incubation temperature deer creek deer creek weekly_max_temp_max 23.50000
1999 deer creek CDEC DCV deer creek spawning and incubation temperature deer creek deer creek weekly_max_temp_mean 15.03865
1999 deer creek CDEC DCV deer creek spawning and incubation temperature deer creek deer creek weekly_max_temp_median 14.27778
1999 mill creek CDEC MLM mill creek spawning and incubation temperature mill creek mill creek gdd_spawn 1965.18097
1999 mill creek CDEC MLM mill creek spawning and incubation temperature mill creek mill creek weekly_max_temp_max 23.38889
1999 mill creek CDEC MLM mill creek spawning and incubation temperature mill creek mill creek weekly_max_temp_mean 15.38636
1999 mill creek CDEC MLM mill creek spawning and incubation temperature mill creek mill creek weekly_max_temp_median 15.36111
2000 butte creek CDEC BCK butte creek spawning and incubation temperature butte creek butte creek gdd_spawn 1930.34531
2000 butte creek CDEC BCK butte creek spawning and incubation temperature butte creek butte creek weekly_max_temp_max 25.27778