Raw holding survey monitoring data. Holding survey data is available for Battle Creek, Butte Creek, Clear Creek, Deer Creek.



  • date: date data were collected

  • reach: survey reach where data were collected

  • river_mile: river mile where holding fish were observed

  • count: count of fish observed

  • jacks: number of jacks observed

  • latitude: latitude where fish were observed

  • longitude: latitude where fish were observed

  • stream: stream where data were collected

  • year: year data were collected

  • survey_intent: purpose of the survey conducted

  • picket_weir_location_rm: location of the picket weir in river miles

  • picket_weir_relate: where the fish were observed relative to the picket weir


Holding data were provided by monitoring programs. These data are currently being uploaded to EDI. In the meantime you can find data exploration scripts for each tributary here and combined holding data here.