The passage to spawner model covariates standard table contains environmental covariates for use in the Passage to Spawner (P2S) model. The environmental variables are standardized within a column to center around 0. Selection and preparation of the covariates are detailed in vignette("prep_environmental_covariates.Rmd", package = "SRJPEdata").



A tibble with 192 rows and 7 columns

  • year: year

  • stream: stream associated with covariate data

  • wy_type: water year type, binary variable describing wet(1) or dry(0)

  • max_flow_std: standardized maximum flow data for adult migration period (March - August)

  • gdd_std: standardized cumulative degree days above 20 degrees Celsius for adult migration (Sacramento March - May) and holding (Tributaries May - August)

  • passage_index: standardized total adult returns (not currently utilized by model)

  • median_passage_timing_std: standardized median return week (not currently utilized by model)