Dataset containing rst catch monitoring data for all SR JPE tribuatary and mainstem monitoring programs.



A dataframe with 511,961 rows and 14 columns

  • date: date

  • stream: Stream RST is located on

  • site: Site RST is located on

  • subsite: Specific trap site

  • site_group: Site group, used to separate traps within the same stream that have unique environmental conditions.

  • count: Number of fish caught

  • run: Run of catch

  • life_stage: Life Stage of catch, standardized based on FL (fork lenght < 45mm = "fry", fork length > 45mm and < yearling cutoff == "smolt")

  • adipose_clipped: Boolean value describing if adipose is clipped on catch

  • dead: Mortality status of catch

  • fork_length: Fork length measure of catch in mm

  • weight: Weight of catch in grams

  • actual_count: Boolean Value describing if count is actual value or interpolated

  • species: Species of catch


Raw datasets and original documentation of data processing and QC process can be found for each stream using the links below.